Welcome to my art & design blog! It's either 10 years too late or right on time.
Hello, dear readers. I've been meaning to start a blog on this website for quite some time now, not for as long as I've had this website (9 years this month!), but at least since the beginning of this year.
2023 has been one of creative exploration for me, starting with taking my first ever film photography course in January, to teaching a gander of 6-year-old Girl Scouts about zines just this week (more on both of those topics soon).

I forgot to get a photo of myself teaching the Girl Scouts because C-H-A-O-S, so this is me in my *new* kitchen, which is much less chaotic than it used to be.
"Oh, you love dead media? Name their first three albums."
According to PCMag, "dead media" refers to, "a storage medium that has outlived its usefulness because there are no devices conveniently available to read it. The 5.25" floppy disk, various Syquest media and the 8-track cartridge are examples."
I think this can be expanded to not just media that is generally unreadable or unplayable, but also media that has been "lapped" at least a few times over by newer technologies. Cassette tapes could be considered dead media, though I do know plenty of bands who still produce them. iPods for sure. Perhaps, soon, DVDs will join the graveyard if this meme I saw on Facebook 💀 yesterday is to be believed:

I’m guessing here but I believe the first 3 were: Cuneiform - cuts in the clay, Rosetta Stone- the hard rock years and after a long hiatus, phonoautograph- Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot… 😂
I already love your blog. Believe me , I will have fun reading and commenting 😉. ~Chad
I love what you have to say and how you say it. I always learn something new. Way(o) to go Girl. 😘-Kyra